Do you love that feeling of ease in the body after a yoga class or a practice at home? It never ceases to amaze me how some mindful movement and breath awareness can soothe so many aches and pains and leave you feeling calmer and more relaxed.
Although we feel good after our yoga practice, life tends to get in the way and the benefits of a weekly yoga class can start to fade. During a busy period, you might be unable to get to your regular class and you can feel your general health and well-being suffer as you neglect your normal routine.
A little self-practice between yoga sessions can help you to maintain some of the benefits from your yoga class. Your practice doesn’t have to be long or complicated, and it needs to fit in with your lifestyle to become a regular part of your routine. This is where the concept of a ‘Yoga Snack’ can be useful.
A Yoga Snack is a mini yoga practice that you slot into your day, wherever you are. It is a ‘little and often’ approach to yoga that is highly beneficial. It might be a few minutes checking in with your breath while in a queue or out walking. It might be getting up from your desk and taking a few stretches. Or it might be practising a simple balance while the kettle boils.
A yoga snack should be gentle as you haven’t warmed up, but it can target the areas on which you want to work. It is a great way of including yoga as part of your daily routine, without having to find time to go to a class. You can take what you enjoy from your class and make it fun. It could be a pose you have been working on in class or a breathing or relaxation technique. If you enjoy meditation or chanting, they could be perfect options as well.
A yoga snack doesn’t have to be restricted to yoga poses. It can include other stretches or exercises you know you should be doing more regularly. Yoga is not about poses, it is about awareness, working mindfully and finding connection back to how you are feeling.
If I can help you put together some ideas for your Yoga Snacks please get in touch; I’d love to hear from you.
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